- It's a greener alternative (no excess paper generated, no gas guzzling postal trucks delivering newsletters to residences).
- It's more cost effective (cost of paper newsletter = $400, cost of blog = $0).
- Information and events of interest can now be delivered before or as they're happening, not 3 months later.
- Blogs enable immediate dialogue by way of the "Comments" button at the end of every post (we moderate all comments to mitigate random posters and spammers).
- Information reaches a much broader audience of heatlh informatics professionals.
We plan to post on a bi-weekly basis and will send a courtesy e-mail notification every other month via the MSHI Alumni & Student list-serves to keep you up to date with your graduate program and your alma mater.
We always like to hear from you so please leave a comment. We look forward to moving into the 21st Century with you!
Amanda Dorsey
Assistant Director, UAB MSHI Program